Jazzy Berlin is moving forward
23' season Klunkerkranich
How to find the best
Well this is a tricky one, when you talk about Jazz and especially when you talk about Berlin. Because sometimes Berlin doesn't like to tell all her secrets to a newcomer. It definitely happened to me when I first came here. In addition, the city seems to have two kind of moods: an East side mood and a Western one. The West side is a kind of a sophisticated lady and the East is more like a Bebop bad boy.
So before you go out to look for jazz in Berlin, the question will be, what kind of Jazz do you like? Vocal, instrumental, free Jazz? Jazz Jam? Here is a list of clubs, filtered for you by moods.
Jazzy Berlin Community
West side
Jazz mood - High society
A trane international Jazz Club
food - snacks
Jazz mood - Good mood Jazz
Food - yes (small things)
West side
Jazz mood - German Jazz tavern
Yorckschlösschen Jazz and Blues
food - yes (amazing food)
West side
Jazz mood - something good going on
Zig Zag - local and international jazz
food - yes (small Mediterranean dishes)
East side
Jazz mood - experimental
food - no
East side
Jazz mood - Local & educational *also jazz for children's
food - yes
West side
Jazz mood - film noir
The Hat Bar - Live Jazz cocktail bar
Food - no/ Fine drinks - Yes
West side
Jazz mood - Jazzy Funky and soul
food - no
in addition If your on Exploration mood -
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Jazzy Berlin Community