Upcoming Concerts:
2nd March, 2017, 21:00
B-flat, Berlin
Eyal Lovett Trio
Tales From a Forbiddan Land
Eyal Lovitt
Eyal Lovett Trio: "Tales from a
It took his Trio - Kenneth Dahl Knudsen on bass and Aidan Lowe on drums - a double CD of 84 minutes to tell the "more complete story” of these feelings of love, disappointment, hope and nostalgia. Put in thirteen pieces of original material and some covers. “Every song has a different feeling", Lovett says. "For me it's Israel, but I am realizing that it could be many things. Music is such an abstract language, that everyone can put their own experiences inside, their own feelings, opinions and thoughts”. He quotes the writer Amos Oz: "It doesn't matter, what it means to me, it matters what it means to you!”
The album was released by Two Rivers Records, a British label, that focusses on contemporary music. Meanwhile the Eyal Lovett Trio is working on a new album.
Interview And Biography by Sophie Albers Ben Chamo