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Showing Tag: "neukölln" (Show all posts)

Artistic Jazz club - Sowieso, Neukölln.

Posted by The Jazzy Berlin reporter on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, In : Jazz laboratories in Berlin 


When first arriving to a city like Berlin, where infinite array of colors and flavors are displayed, there always seems to be a discord in my mind as to which venue to choose from when it comes to jazz.  It is possible we are initially bombarded by the traditional “must dos” in town. Now do not get me wrong; they are a must thus in my own extended experience from travelling, before all else, I try to find that distinct place called home away from home.  It has to be a pla...

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About Me

By Erica Smith and Nela Riessova. Jazzy Berlin is an online guide for jazz, experiments, art and education in Berlin.